Thursday, October 14, 2010

O'Reilly and The View have a deal

I don't know why O'Reilly continues to go on The View where he knows the three liberal harpies will act ridiculously unreasonable to show off for their idiot studio audience. Here's the latest edition.....

I think there's an understanding between these two shows...a symbiosis if you will. Bill O' gets to huff and puff on The Factor later on Fox about his appearance and his audience will be properly scandalized at the absurdity of these stupid women. His ratings are usually huge when he's gone head-to-head with Whoopi and Joy.

In return, the gals on The View get to skewer, for the enjoyment of their audience, one of the most loathed man by retarded lefties, Bill O'Reilly. Both shows end up with ratings boons and no body gets hurt.

It's all just theater to me because neither party will convince the other to concede any, ANY point. So what's the purpose if it's not simple ratings?


  1. Right on Ed. There is NO other reason for this spectacle. I don't watch either show as a result.

    I used to like to watch O'Reilly and I've read many of his books but once I admitted he is a showman first and foremost(and smart man I admit) I garnered little to nothing in watching him anymore EXCEPT entertainment, I discontinued my attention.

    The View has been, is, and will always be, unwatchable by me. The level of ignorance and the overall harpiness of the show makes it unbearable. I actually feel dumber just being in the same room as the TV spewing this trash.

  2. I agree. Last night Bill O' put George W. and Obama as equals in his mind about being patriots rather than pinheads, in an interview with Greta.

    I find his smug, superior populism annoying.
