Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not enough tea in China.....

Just for fun, watch this desperate attempt by the Obama's to gin up the base that they razzle-dazzled into voting for them in '08.

They do know that the white house has cameras, lighting, and state-of-the-art sound equipment, don't they? What did they do, shoot this with a iPhone in the bathroom off the oval office? Where's that echo coming from? Maybe the amateurishness was intentional to give it that personal, off-the-cuff feel. Either way, no amount of begging, pleading, or cajoling is going to motivate more than a few of the retards that voted for them the first time, to come out again when he's not even on the ballot.

The Obama's should stick to their plan and leave town for a couple of weeks after the election until the dust settles. Maybe he can get in his 54th-83rd rounds of golf during that time.


  1. Well that certainly helps keep me motivated, Ed. How about you?

    Maybe not in exactly the way "The One" intends.......

  2. Oh, I'm motivated alright. I can't wait to get to the polls bright and early. And I'm not going to check the "all republican" box to save time either. I'm going to enjoy going down the list and checking every box one at a time.
