Thursday, October 14, 2010

Michelle Obama reports for front-line duty

I generally stay away from the families of politicians but when they trot their wives and kids out on the campaign trail or to advance an agenda, they become fair game. Here's Michelle Obama yesterday giving a radio interview on the Tom Joyner show.....

So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us.

Uhhh...what? "keeping the spirits clean"? What kind of nonsense is that? Either Michelle's been watching too much Ghost Whisperer or she's pandering to a group that she thinks values prayer. The obvious explanation can be found by looking at the audience of Tom Joyner.....they are primarily black and democrats know that religion plays a huge role in black culture.

All Michelle does here is arrogantly acknowledge the adoration to which she obviously feels her family is entitled. I doubt it's going to be enough to rally the democrat base and close significantly the enthusiasm gap between liberals and conservatives in time to make any difference in 3 weeks.

Thanks to MichelleMalkin.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for them, too: Pray for them to go back to Chicago and disappear quietly into the woodwork of their community, never to be heard from again.
