Friday, October 15, 2010

College grads second guessing that vote for Hope and Change

Over at Sweetness&Light, I found this interesting statistic.....unable to find work, 85% of college grads plan to move back in with their parents. Back to their same, tiny bed, same annoyingly early curfew, and same high-school chore list.

The article highlights a recent Penn State grad who got a degree in public relations but can't find a job relating to the public, and had to move back in with her mom. Predictably, they both voted for Obama.

She's got two problems: the first one was choosing a Big 10 school....I mean seriously! Secondly, who told her there were jobs in public relations? You might as well be a middle manager at a payday loan store....i.e. you don't produce anything. You just manage those who do and therefor you get laid off first when the economy is bad.

Even a cursory review of job-market demand would have steered her in the direction of nursing or other health care-related or technical fields, accounting, or professional degrees in the legal or medical fields. There is always demand for nurses.

If you don't want to move back home, choose a career field in which there are jobs waiting. Just because you think you would enjoy and be good at something doesn't mean that you can find work doing it right out of school.

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