Thursday, September 16, 2010

Too little, too late

Yesterday the democrat party announced a major change for today. A new fund-raising strategy? A position change on tax cuts? Obama agreeing to not run in 2012?

We should be so lucky. No, they've changed their logo.....yippeeee!

Short of massive, across-the-board tax cuts, the dismantling of the welfare state by abolishing the departments of Education, Interior, and Energy, closing the borders, and the adoption of the FairTax as the cornerstone of their November platform, the democrats can do nothing to quell the outrage Americans have toward their "leadership" under The One. Simple rebranding at this point in the game is arguably the stupidest, most transparent gesture they could make and only serves to demonstrate their cluelessness.

They assume that their policies are wonderful and simply communicating them inadequately to the American people explains why we're not happy. They couldn't be more wrong and they'll learn that in about six weeks.


  1. "Change that matters." Really, they're sticking with that. The sad thing is it will work as the mouth-breathers will flock to it.

  2. Let's hope not. You'd have to be a determined retard to vote democrat in six weeks....but there will be plenty.
