Monday, September 27, 2010

Rumors of Christine O'Donnell's political demise were exaggerated

Scott Rasmussen has Christine O'Donnell within 9% points of Obama-lapdog Chris Coons. O'Donnell is at 40% with likely voters and Coons is at 49% which is huge because it puts him below the magical 50% mark and shows he's no cinch. In fact, it looks like the possible, idiotic write-in campaign by defeated incumbent Mike Castle might siphon votes away from Coons rather than O'Donnell as was assumed by the clueless media. There were 15 points separating them a week ago when Rove and Krauthammer gave her no chance at all. I'm not predicting a win and it's still a long uphill climb but, Coons is by no means a certain winner any more.

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