Monday, September 27, 2010

Into the abyss

If troubled, celebrity nitwit Lindsay Lohan isn't already at the top of your celebrity deadpool, she should be. Unverified pictures have surfaced of her at a party with Paris Hilton in 2007 which show her mainlining heroin. She was 21 at the time.

Good grief, how miserably awful are her parents? I nominate Michael and Dina Lohan as worst celebrity parents of all time. We've been making jokes at her expense for at least 10 years, but she's only 24 years old....I'd have sworn she was 34.

The only problem with putting LiLo at the top of your deadpool is that the more expected their demise, the less points you score when they finally manage to kill themselves. Now, John Ritter's untimely death scored a lot of points for anybody who had him in their top 25....nobody saw that coming....just sayin'.


  1. Why is she even news anymore?

  2. She's not really. I was just giving a celebrity dead-pool heads-up.

  3. A disturbing photograph.

  4. Ed, please tell me you're just making that up about a "celebrity dead-pool."

  5. Ever since that Clint Eastwood movie by the same name came out, there have been versions of celebrity deadpool games. I don't participate in any but the macabre aspect is interesting to me, I have to admit.

  6. You learn something everyday.
