Thursday, September 02, 2010

Here We Go Again

The Obama administration has once again unfairly burdened the fragile taxpayer and seeded the economy with yet another negligent deal. By 2011 the healthcare market will be required to be paperless. I know some good things will develop, but lets not do this at taxpayer expense both ways. $19 in stimulus money starts the process ( obviously funded by us taxpayers eventually) but can't we all wait for the rise in our healthcare expenses that come with this. Technology upgrades, servers, and other varied costs, etc. will all be passed along to the consumer from the insurance companies and the healthcare providers, as they are forced into this new realm.
I understand that now a Dr. can review meds to make sure that none clash. I see that it will be easier for a med shop to pull up my records if I'm traveling, etc. but happens to patient privacy. When does the hospital medical records computer get hacked and now all those "private" surgeries become public? Who wants to share that gastric bypass info, or the facial they had done "while on vacation. What about that little abortion the folks wanted to be kept quiet for their 15 year old angel/ Where does this stop. When will the government stop trying to get into my business more and more. I want you to leave me alone Mr. O! Stay in your back yard and leave me to my private life, 'cause if you have your way I soon won't have one.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Reid. First of all "paperless" is a great but a lofty and inpractical goal as it is a "bridge too far" in reality. But it should be the doctor's choice not the government's.
