Friday, September 24, 2010

Coming to America?

While the rest of the world struggles with raising the retirement ages to account for exploding numbers of retirees, increasing life expectancy, and fewer workers to support the retired, lazy, good-for-nothing Frenchmen are striking because Sarkozy want to raise their retirement age by two lousy years.....

From Yahoo -- PARIS – French authorities estimated nearly 1 million protesters filled the streets Thursday to try to force President Nicolas Sarkozy to drop his plan to raise the retirement age two years to 62, while strikes also disrupted airports, train stations and schools for the second time this month.

The protest movement has been a big test for Sarkozy, who, like other European leaders, has struggled to convince his country of the need for cost-cutting and scaling back generous social benefits after the Greek debt crisis scared markets and sapped confidence in the entire 16-nation euro currency.

I swear, if there is a lazier or more entitlement-minded population than those in France, I don't know what it is. The unions in America remind me of these French deadbeats. Our union workers expect guaranteed jobs at absurdly high wages with lavish health and retirement benefits at a low retirement age. As Obama does everything in his power to increase the union membership roles, how long before they have enough political power to dictate retirement and social security policy in the US?

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