Thursday, August 12, 2010

The summer of '42....ish

Aaaah, the innocence of youth. I remember it well....

A TOPLESS sunbather is being investigated by police after being accused of sensuously rubbing sun cream on herself on a public beach.

Police were called to a beach at Anzio south of Rome by a furious mother who said the way the “attractive” sunbather was rubbing lotion on her body had “troubled her sons aged 14 and 12.”

Haa...I don't think "troubled" is the correct word for the effect it had on her pubescent boys. I couldn't have imagined anything so awesome, as a 14 year old, than an attractive older women "sensuously" applying tanning oil to her bare chest right in front of me. Heck, I can't imagine anything more awesome now. That'll be one of their best memories ever....right up until their mom ruined it by pitching a hissy fit.

And if that's not comedy enough for one story, the Italian cops released a statement saying....

“We have opened a file on committing an obscene act as we are committed to following the complaint. From what I heard she was very attractive.”

I'll bet every cop in Rome is volunteering to "follow up" on the complaint....heh heh. What kind of cop offers his opinion on whether the perp is attractive or not?


  1. Ed,
    This story made my day as it started me reminiscing of my days of youth. You are right, there is NO WAY I would have "complained" about this as a teen. In fact, even my mouth would be zipped if I saw this today. If only...

  2. I really like this photograph.

  3. Reminds me of that song "In The Raw" about the girl in cowboy boots and a smile. I hope the police who responded to the call wherent scarred by this 'horrific' incident...
