Friday, August 27, 2010

Matt Lauer is a classless douche!

On the 5th anniversary of Katrina, the media have descended on New Orleans to celebrate the rebuilding progress of the infrastructure, culture, and addressing rampant poverty, having put aside petty political differences.

Just kidding, they've gone there to re-blame George Bush for the whole thing. Here's Matt Lauer talking to Barbara Bush. Bear in mind that Matt had already interviewed Ray "school bus/chocolate city" Nagin and not once did he ask if he felt uncomfortable being in the city since much of the blame is actually his....

MATT LAUER: There's no easy way to ask this question, I'm just gonna ask it. Is it ever painful for you to come back to this region, because in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it seems so much of the blame for what happened or didn't happen here was laid at the feet of your husband?

He couldn't resist attacking Barbara Bush to her face about George W's non-role in the devastation in New Orleans....devastation remember, that was largely Ray Nagin's fault as well as the morons who refused to leave the city when they were told to. I guess blaming Bush for Katrina was such fun that they couldn't resist taking another shot at him, even if it was a classless shot through his wife.


  1. I agree with you on the blame issue, but I'm confused. Was Lauer talking to Barbara? Who's husband had been out of office for more than a decade when Katrina occurred?

  2. anan, surely you know that it was the younger Barbara he was talking to....or were you being funny?

  3. No, wasn't being funny. Was truly confused which I believe is understandable considering the following excerpt:

    "... was laid at the feet of your husband?"

  4. Yes, Matt was talking about how everybody blamed George W. Bush, not his dad, G.H.W. Bush, the former president.

  5. I don't think "W's" wife is named Barbara. She's his mother - thence the confusion.

  6. Right you are Bill, Matt was talking to Laura. Barbara is the name of the mother and daughter. My mistake.
