Friday, July 16, 2010

Those crazy teens

Show of many of you think Bristol Palin's marriage to Levi Johnston will blow up and sink faster than the Deep Water Horizon? One, two, three....ok, pretty much everybody thinks it will.

The question is, what is Bristol thinking? Levi Johnston is the world's biggest douchebag. He knocked up the Palin's minor daughter, fled to Hollywood where he befriended hateful troll Cathy Griffin, and posed for Playgirl, all the while giving interview after interview trashing the Palin's for being a sham family. You have to believe the Todd and Sarah are questioning every parenting decision they've ever made at this point.

My simplistic explanation is that the same flawed decision-making process Bristol used to let this creep knock her up, played a roll in saying yes to his lame marriage proposal. A proposal that came because Levi's 15 minutes have long expired and he's got no where else to turn.

Well, let's wish the dumb but happy couple luck because they're going to need it.


  1. You read "Us"? Shame on you. Divide your IQ by 2.

  2. I do not read Us. I'm shocked, shocked that you think I do. It's just the first picture of both adorable kids I came across for this blog post.

  3. This "union" is as ill-fated as the introduction of new Coke but much sadder.

    Ed, you nailed it. His 15 minutes had expired and he had nothing else. How this will affect SP's political aspirations remains to be seen. But I'd be willing to bet that was part of this decision.
