Monday, July 19, 2010

Tea Party [schism] GOP

In case you weren't aware, there is a divide full of resentment and contention between Tea Party activists across the nation and old-school, establishment republicans like Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell. Perhaps it's attitudes like this, reflected in their comments, that have something to do with that.....

“Oh my goodness — in the whole country is there racism?” McConnell responded when asked by CNN “State of the Union” host Candy Crowley if there was racism in the movement, as charged by the NAACP.

“I’m not interested in getting into that debate,” the leader said. “…There are all kinds of things in America that make me uncomfortable, both on the right and the left.”

McConnell's resentment of the Tea Party's influence is painfully obvious as he refuses to defend the grass-roots conservatives against completely bogus racism charges from the leftist media, lying democrats, and Hollywood nitwits. McConnell looked impotent and ineffectual at a time when he should have been forceful and resolute in the face of the racism outrage.

This is why establishment, milquetoast republicans need to be unceremoniously booted from office and replaced by actual conservatives who'll fight for conservatism in government. McConnell, Graham, McCain etc....all need to be retired whether they like it or not.

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