Friday, July 09, 2010

Out of the frying pan.....

This is the shameful, barbaric culture for which our tax money is being expropriated to make them feel better about themselves....

An Iranian woman convicted of adultery will not be stoned to death but may still face execution in the Islamic Republic, Iran's embassy in London announced Thursday.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 42, a mother of two, was found guilty of adultery in 2006. She has already spent five years in prison and endured 99 lashes for her illicit relationship with two men, but she still is condemned to be put to death.

I'm sorry but Islam, as practiced by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries, is a medieval cult of savage cavemen determined to remain forever in the dark ages of oppression and inhumanity. That Obama would use a single American nickle to make these barbarians in dirty nightshirts feel good about their culture's contribution to the advancement of civilization is an utter joke. What significant contributions to math and science, philosophy and language did the Muslims make?

Someone said they discovered the number zero at some point.....heh heh, like we wouldn't have found that anyway. That age of Muslim enlightenment was supposed to be from 800-1100AD. During that time, what did they do besides kill people? Let's make this easy, in the last 1000 years, what contributions to civilization and culture have Muslims made? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

What we ought to be doing is shaming anybody who condones this barbaric justice system....from the Muslims themselves to their shameful defenders in this country who refuse to speak out against it.

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