Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Government stupidity

American consumers have repeatedly shown contempt for electric vehicles. In a recession and given that global warming due to CO2 is a wholly imaginary farce, why would Government Motors try to sell a stupid electric car that nobody wants at a price that nobody can afford?

The long-anticipated Chevrolet Volt, General Motors' electric car, will cost $41,000, the company announced Tuesday, leaving consumers to decide whether its environmental appeal is worth a price far above that of similarly sized conventional autos.

Electric-car technology has been around for years, but the high cost to make the vehicles has prevented automakers from producing them for the mass market. The price announcements for the Volt and its electric rival, the Nissan Leaf, have been highly anticipated as a result. Nissan, the only other major manufacturer expected to bring such a vehicle to market this year, said the Leaf will cost $32,780.

Nobody wants these stupid electric cars! Especially at $41,000 a copy. This is a perfect example of the sheer idiocy that happens when the federal government controls a private company and dictates production based on political correctness and personal agenda rather than consumer demand.

I hope GM goes bankrupt, despite the billions taxpayers have invested in the union thugs against our will. If there's not a market for GM cars, they should not be in the market place and if there is a consumer market, just not for GM cars, some other efficiently operated company will quickly fill the supply void with reasonably priced cars that people want to drive.

How many times to I have to explain this concept to you people?

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