Tuesday, June 01, 2010

NBC's Ann Curry treats the Dalai Lama like a retarded person

This is hilarious! Ann Curry doesn't have the sense to know that the Dalai Lama is old, not retarded. The fun starts at around .40.......

She's talking to him like he's either learning disabled or 3 years old. How embarrassingly condescending! Heh heh.


  1. This is your only blog that has any basis in reality. Oh my god that was hilarious.

    Seriously, though, you're pretty delusional and this is one of the worst blogs I've ever read in my life.

  2. What's with all the bowing and swaying of heads? Are they plagued by insects, tipsy, or just over-playing being humble. (Or maybe the union carpenters built the doorways too low.) It is painful to watch. Heck, I am tempted to self-administer Dramamine just to ward of the motion-induced nausea. And the poor posture has me thinking about Earth shows (1970's allusion here) or the modern-day derivative produced by Skechers (sp?) as a boon to leg fitness. (They even have a men's version! Show me a man that wears these and I'll show you a man that knows the aisle number for feminine products at his local supermarket.)

    Another brain cell of mine is chanting: Toga, Toga, Toga! Name THAT movie.

  3. Anonymous: If you think this blog is bad you don't get out much. TRR is a vertible gem compared to many blogs. You may not agree with the opinions expressed but you will find a consistent "message" here delivered clearly and often with a dollop of sarcasm or cyncism.

    Can you offer a few samples of blogs you think are good? Or maybe you have a blog? i'd be interested to see what interests you.

  4. Animal House....as I remember one of your fav's.

  5. V cookie to YOU!

    For many laughs, check out the movie "Tropic Thunder". Hilarious but much foul language.

  6. "Tropic Thunder" is anohter.

  7. I saw Tropic Thunder but the gratuitous foul lauguage distracted me from what humor might have been in it. I left midway through it. Not my cup of tea....though am a fan of Downy's acting.
