Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Off with their heads!

I was skimming the headlines over on and this caught my eye.....

BEIRUT — The lawyer of a Lebanese TV psychic condemned to death for witchcraft by a Saudi court says he will not be beheaded. Wait, what?

What century is this? Beheading? I realize that these barbaric, Islamic cultures routinely cane, hang, lash, etc. people, mostly women, who they preposterously deem to be in violation of some obscure Islamic edict but, beheading for witchcraft? When's the last time a nation state officially beheaded anybody that you know of?

Bonus question to win a virtual cookie: without cheating, what or who is the origin of the phrase used as the title for this post?


  1. Ed, Saudi beheads people all the time. About two dozen per year I think. Check out this guy:!v=UxmBp23W6nc

    So the criminal won't be beheaded? Then its stoning or hanging to death for him.

  2. Or maybe they'll burn him at the stake, press him with rocks, or throw him in the river with a millstone around his neck. If he drowns then he wasn't a witch.....sorry, our bad. If he escapes, it proves he is a witch and then they behead him. Muslims....the modern day Puritans.

  3. Where does one get a good millstone these days?

  4. Davie, as back-asswards as Muslim countries are, I'm sure that's how they still grind their wheat for pita bread....that is if you can find any of them who have the enginuity and industriousness to farm rather than run around in dirty nightshirts shooting people.

  5. Monty Python for The Cookie?

  6. Nice try rbg. Monty Python may have used that phrase and if you can show it, I'll award you the cookie but, it originated in another work.
