Monday, March 15, 2010

Teachers' unions do not have your child's best interests at heart

If this doesn't convince you of the value of charter schools in the inner city, then you are probably an entrenched, education-union bureaucrat and nothing will convince you.....

Chicago's Urban Prep Charter Academy has a mission -- for its students to graduate and succeed in college. Now, for the first graduating class at the high school, it's mission accomplished.

All 107 seniors in the graduating class of Chicago's Urban Prep Charter Academy were accepted at colleges across the country.(ABC News)
All 107 seniors were accepted to a four-year college, a significant accomplishment considering they are from one of the toughest neighborhoods on the South Side of Chicago.

We've been treated here in Alabama to commercials featuring supposed teachers, warning us about the evils of charter schools. No city except maybe Detroit, New Orleans, Cleveland, Memphis, DC, Los Angeles and, Oakland...OK, there are a lot of cities that could use charter education just as much as Birmingham, yet the teachers' unions are against it. They say because it'll take money away from public education, but what it'll do is embarrass the hell out of lazy, unmotivated, unionized lifers who care more about demanding higher salaries for less work, than teaching kids to be successful.

1 comment:

  1. Do the citizens get to vote on this or is it up to the legislature?
