Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Some people just need killing

This is Chelsea King. She's the San Diego teen who disappeared a couple of days ago....

And this is John Albert Gardner, a convicted child molester and the primary suspect in the rape and murder of Chelsea....

Many were at a loss for words over the discovery of a body believed to be that of 17-year-old Chelsea King, five days after the popular, straight-A student from San Diego County disappeared and two days after a registered sex offender was booked on suspicion of rape and murder.

The DA, the trial judge, and the shrinks all agreed when Gardner was busted before, that this guy remained a potential menace to young girls in the community yet, he was paroled anyway.
When are we going to start thinking of the victims first, rather than the imagined rehabilitation of the criminal? If you harm children in any way, you are sick to the point of no return. You cannot be fixed and in a civil society your life should be forfeit. If by chance, you are a child predator of some kind and you are reading this, please.....drink some bleach, cut your wrists, or hang yourself.....something. Seriously, your life has no value and you don't belong in a world with normal people.


  1. Beauty (and brians) and the freaking beast. What a waste on both accounts.

  2. I saw this on Fox News (yes, that is my primary news NOW). They considered giving him a GPS ankle bracelet, but considered him thoroughly rehabilitated. THE MORONS! (And I mean that in a PC IQ defined way). What would be the big deal of at least a GPS? His poor feelings? I am so Pissed
