Monday, March 08, 2010

The religion of peace strikes again

Murdering savages who practice the great religion of Islam have shown once again what a wonderful and benevolent god they worship......

JOS, Nigeria (AFP) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon appealed Monday for "maximum restraint" amid revulsion at the slaughter of more than 500 Christians in Nigeria, as survivors told how the killers chopped down their victims.
Funerals took place for victims of the three-hour orgy of violence on Sunday in three Christian villages close to the northern city of Jos, blamed on members of the mainly Muslim Fulani ethnic group.

Media reported that Muslim residents of the villages in Plateau state had been warned by phone text message, two days prior to the attack, so they could make good their escape before the exit points were sealed off.

I'll be watching the news tonight to see how many of the news readers mention that the third-world Muslim savages yelled, "Allah Akhbar" before hacking men, women, and children to death for no reason other than they were Christians. They'll report it as tribal warfare or factional clashes but, they'll leave out the Muslim/Christian truth, lest Americans get a bad image of Islam. What's more telling is how many Muslims around the world will say nothing.

Now, I'd like somebody to make the case that Islam is one of the world's great religions. I mean, how many murders in the name of Allah, by crazed Muslim lunatics, do we have to witness around the world before we finally are willing to acknowledge that, as practiced today, it is a violent cult of power-mad, blood thirsty zealots, hell-bent on the forced conversion or violent termination of every non-Muslim?


  1. How many murders? About two billion probably. Click on the video at the following link and watch Mohommad’s followers of “peaceful” islam carrying out his instructions - direct from the Quran.

    If you censor comments to your posts, what is it exactly that you’re afraid of?

  2. I'm not afraid of anything, certainly not a challenge to my political positions. The only comments I delete are spam. I never censor actual comments.

  3. Tbey'll kill you if you accuse them of being violent. And do it with no sense of irony.

  4. Heh, heh...right you are, Bill.

  5. When one person suffers from delusion, it's called insanity. When a group of people suffer from delusion, it's called Christian-Americans.

    Some of the most violent people of the past 20th century were the Nazis, sub-Saharan rebels, extremist Muslims who follow a radical & misinterpreted version of Islam, and the perverse Christian-Americans.

    Even the Soviets and the Khmer Rouge were teddy bears compared to the perverse and sadistic nature of Christian-Americans.
