Friday, March 05, 2010

One man's waste, is another's fertilizer?.....YUCK!!!

In the name of organic farming, or saving the polar bears, or some other communal-living nonsense, hippies will do literally anything, no matter how gross, if it makes them feel smug toward the "wasters", also known as normal, thinking people like the rest of us....

San Francisco wears its environmental consciousness like a green badge of honor. Residents separate and recycle their food scraps. Streets close to cars so people can walk and bike them. A city department even gives away "high-quality, nutrient-rich, organic bio-solids compost" to any and all takers.

"High-quality, nutrient-rich, organic bio-solids compost" is a benign term for human crap.

Leave it to dumb, gullible hippie farmers to take human waste and fertilize the food they and their families will eat in a few weeks.....gross! California needs to catch up with the times. We've been tricking our stupid, hippie farmers here in Alabama for decades with this very ruse.

1 comment:

  1. In electrical engineering parlance this is what you call a short circuit.

    Keep the TP handy.
