Friday, March 26, 2010

A nation of free-loaders

Congressman Ron Klein of Florida has introduced a cleverly named bill called the Homeowners' Defense Act of 2009. The idea is to have the government(taxpayers) underwrite the risks of insuring construction projects in natural disaster-prone areas such as his home state. State Farm and AllState are spearheading the bill because they do huge business in hurricane alley and they want all Americans to pay up when they lose their asses during hurricane season.

They claim that the cost of insuring construction in Florida would be prohibitive if the risk isn't offloaded onto other policy-holders and the American taxpayers.

My reply: Who gives a rat's ass of Floridians can't afford to insure their homes and businesses because they stupidly insist on living where hurricanes regularly destroy everything? Why is that my problem? If people want to live in Florida or New Orleans or California where natural disasters happen all the time, fine. Pay whatever the cost of insurance is, or don't insure at all for all I care, and enjoy the time you have left. Why should I be on the hook for that risk? Dumb Americans freeloading off of prudent Americans isn't consistent with the principles of self-reliance and personal responsibility upon which the country was founded. I use State Farm for all my insurance and if my premiums go up one iota because I'm underwriting some moron who likes to live dangerously on the beach, I'll switch to Geiko or somewhere else.

1 comment:

  1. I wish blogger had a like button like Facebook does ;-)
    Anyway... Well said, Ed!
