Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Liberals can't resist calling tea-partiers Nazis

Some of you may remember the site LittleGreenFootballs. It's host, Charles Johnson used to be a good conservative and his site kept up with the goings-on regarding Muslim extremism toward America and such. But then, he went section-8 and now he's a raving liberal who sees conservative conspiracies around every corner and in every shadow. Here's a Tennessee tea-party rally in which Mr. Johnson sees what is obviously a Nazi flag being waved by crazed, wild-eyed tea-partiers. Here's the screen-cap he posted of the rally.....

I'm no expert but, even out of focus, that doesn't look like a Nazi flag to me. But liberals never let the facts get in the way of an irresistible "Tea-Partiers=Nazis" narrative. As it turns out, the raving lunatic Mr. Johnson never considered the possibility that it might be the state flag of Tennessee, shown below.....

Heh heh...I love when liberals expose themselves as the jack-asses they are.

Hat tip to Weaselzippers.


  1. I agree about LGF, Ed - I used to read it regularly after they were instrumental in exposing "Rather-gate" back in 2006. Then, something sent him over the edge - I got the impression he lost it over "creationists" in the schools, or some such. I long ago deleted the bookmark to the site.

  2. Me too Bill. I went to LGF right after checking Drudge every morning. Then it started to turn for some reason. I've wondered what happened to him and to Arianna. She used to be pretty conservative. Weird!

  3. The flag in the first photo seems to be the "Strikeforce", flag of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, a South African party/organization that claims a little indipendent territory to create a repubblic for Boers.
