Thursday, March 04, 2010

Liberal hypocrisy on display when it comes to favored groups

Over at the deranged, liberal fever-swamp known as HuffingtonPost, they've posted pictures of Rush Limbaugh's tastefully decorated, upper-eastside Manhattan apartment that he's selling. He's selling it because the state of New York continues to punish the successful with higher taxes in order to reward the degenerates and derelicts who vote for liberal politicians. Here's one of the pictures.....

One of Rush's rooms.

The typical comments by garden-variety HuffPo commenters were accusing Rush of being gay because of his decor. Liberals always claim to be the biggest defenders of gay people. Why is that the knee-jerk insult that always comes from the left? As if being gay is the worst thing in the world to be?

This is another example of the diabolical left using identified "groups" as tools to advance their political agenda but in reality, not doing anything genuine for them. They present themselves as champions of gays casually but use "gay" as an insult. They use African-Americans the same way. They claim to help but, advance an agenda that perpetuates their dependence and poverty in order to insure continued loyalty at the poles.

If gays, African-Americans, and other minority groups abandoned group identity and group think, and started seeing themselves as individuals, they wouldn't be as easily manipulated by liberals who only care about their votes.


  1. when they publish pictures of one of Arianna's (alias Zsa Zsa) homes - bought with money from her ex.

  2. They use "Gay" as an insult because they are trying to point out the hypocrisy of Limbaugh's perceived anti-gay homophobic stance.

    Pretty twisted thinking but that is the bonafied Liberal argument for you.
