Tuesday, March 23, 2010

John Kerry, male prostitute, wants to limit harmless carbon now

It's bad enough that the liberals have taken control over banking, manufacturing, financial aid, insurance, and health-care, now they are pressing forward with idiotic cap-and-trade legislation that will destroy what's left of the tattered remains of our economy.....

After a hard-fought victory on health care reform, President Barack Obama's allies in Congress are setting their sights on climate change -- but some on both sides are already crying foul.

Environmentalists hope Obama will seize on new political momentum to push forward climate legislation, though some observers question whether he would seek another divisive vote as November congressional elections approach.

Senator John Kerry, who has spearheaded climate legislation, said that White House officials can now "pour their energy and attention" into the issue after Sunday's down-to-the-wire vote on expanding health care coverage.


The science is settled and the debate is over.....climate change is an insidious hoax perpetrated on the world by charlatan Al Gore, and everybody knows it. Knowing that, in what bizarro reality can Lurch claim that man has anything at all to do with the climate? Every shard of data have been proven to be dirty, rotten lies yet, liberals who feel emboldened by their health-care victory want to press their position by hamstringing our economy with ridiculous carbon limits while China, India, and most of South America push forward with unchecked economic growth.

I swear, these people are intentionally ruining this country as fast as they can. If you aren't scared to death about the future of our republic, then you either aren't paying attention or you are a dirty, socialist rat who agrees with the progressives. Either way, I'm ashamed that you get to call yourself an American.

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