Friday, March 12, 2010

Hillary Clinton to confess America's sins to the U.N.

The ridiculous collection of despots, thugs, and terrorist sponsors that sit on the United Nations Human Rights Council must be laughing their asses off at this one..... – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that the State Department is soliciting comments from citizens, advocacy groups and other non-governmental organizations on the human rights record of the United States

The existence of the Obama presidency is absurd to begin with but, it gets even more ridiculous. The US will be reporting our own human-rights violations to the America-haters at the UN. What human-rights violations you might wonder? I'm guessing the following will probably be on the list:

-failure to redistribute wealth adequately
-failure to provide "living wages" to all the poor
-failure to provide high-quality health-care for free
-failure to provide tax-payer funded Internet access to the less fortunate

Feel free to add to the list in the comments thread.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing "racism" in the opposition to President Obama's agenda to re-make America. What legitimate reason could there be?
