Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello My Name Is....

Posted by Reid:

What on earth is happening to America? We once were a proud country of patriotic people. Now we are sniveling cowards that are about to let our government further control our lives. The new National I.D. bill being discussed is fraught with disaster. First, if you are a "legal" American worker you must have one. Ergo, excluded are the "non-workers" for whom the balance of us will toil ad-nauseum. Secondly, I am trying to figure out what this accomplishes and how does this make it easier for my identity to be stolen? Remember this is a government run deal. No security, low end workers, probably staffed by those that are forced to work out of the unemployed pool. This will make the post office look like a well oiled machine. I can't wait. Why do I need a number? Why can't a social security card be distributed at or near birth by the hospital, without a number on it, that is just carried. This identifies a person as a citizen and eventually as a supposed taxpayer. Oh, maybe that's too simple for the mental giants in D.C. I sure wish they would go back to focusing on terrorism. It is screwed up anyway, so they can't make it worse. Where are the Republicans when we really need them and can Pedro now really run for President?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been up to the new aspect of this. Last I heard it was going to be a federal ID for EVERYONE. Are they really considering making it only for "legal workers"? Won't that leave out vast numbers of people who legally have income such as self-employed/internet, disability, retired, independently wealthy. Does that mean I won't have to carry one of those wretched cards as my income is not from "legal working"? So my mentally ill little ass can run amuck not having to show ID because not all Americans have to have one? And don't even get me started that it should be all americans should have one so we could easily spot illegals!!!
