Friday, March 19, 2010

Crunch time in America!

Over at The Washington Times Jeffery Kuhner wrote an article outlining the damage that would be done to the republic if Obama-care passes with or without the Slaughter Solution. It is a must read.....

Here's an excerpt.....

The Slaughter Solution is a dagger aimed at the heart of our system of checks and balances. It would enable the Democrats to establish an ominous precedent: The lawmaking process can be rigged to ensure the passage of any legislation without democratic accountability or even a congressional majority. It is the road to a soft tyranny. James Madison must be turning in his grave.

Mr. Obama is imposing a leftist revolution. Since coming to office, he has behaved without any constitutional restraints. The power of the federal government has exploded. He has de facto nationalized key sectors of American life - the big banks, financial institutions, the automakers, large tracts of energy-rich land from Montana to New Mexico. His cap-and-trade proposal, along with a newly empowered Environmental Protection Agency, seeks to impose massive new taxes and regulations upon industry. It is a form of green socialism: Much of the economy would fall under a command-and-control bureaucratic corporatist state. Mr. Obama even wants the government to take over student loans.

It's crunch time in America. By Sunday we may know the fate of the republic. Will wavering democrats pull us back from the brink of utter disaster and vote "NO" or will they remain starry-eyed from the pixie dust sprinkled by their messianic president and drive America over the cliff toward socialism?

1 comment:

  1. They're gonna screw us, plain and simple.

    It's for our own good, ya know.
