Saturday, March 20, 2010

The criminalization of speech

It's official now in Obama's America, if a minority gets offended by it, you can be thrown in jail for simple speech....

A man has been arrested for allegedly announcing a hateful message over a South Jersey Wal-Mart's intercom, police told NBC Philadelphia.

Several shoppers have been boycotting the retailer since last Sunday when a man accessed the Washington Township, N.J. store's public address system and announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now."

The whole idea of "hate crimes" is absurd. It criminalizes thoughts. Since when is unpleasant speech a criminal act in America? More preposterous still, is that the police and media are calling black people who heard the announcement, "victims" of the hate crime. In what law is there a guarantee to not be offended by anything without it being a crime?

I wonder if somebody had announced, "all honkies leave the store now", would there be this outcry and phony outrage? I seriously doubt it.


  1. I've always felt that the whole "hate crime" thing was a stupid issue to create. If you bash someones head in, I would say you hate them regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, national origin,or sexual orientation--and there may be some more. If you beat and kill someone for being gay, how is that worse than beating and killing someone to rob them? And , really, how can you truly determine the "hate" intent. Maybe they wanted to just rob the gay guy, or hated the other guy because he was Catholic? A crime is a crime, I say.

  2. Right you are, Billy. A crime is a crime, regardless of intent. To attach intent is to criminalize thought....a dangerous thing.

  3. Why didn't the so called "victims" just tell Walmart where to stick it and we'll leave the store when we are damn ready? Got a problem with that?

    PC run amok!

  4. I thought it was flippin' hilarious. It wasn't a very nice thing to do, but can you imagine hearing that announcement?

  5. Yeah, that would crack me up.
