Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Betting on Tiger's performance at the Masters

The Masters golf tournament starts on April 8. Of course it marks the return of Tiger Woods to professional golf as a 4:1 favorite to win, and bookmakers around the world are taking heavy betting on the usual stuff such as, will he make the cut, will he finish in the top 10, will he shoot under par or over par, that sort of thing.

But you can also bet on some goofy things. Here are some of my favorite bets that bookies are taking money on in Great Britain, the gambling mecca:

-Will Tiger's first drive hit a tree?
-Will Tiger kiss an anonymous blond not named John Daly, before he tees it up on #1?
-Will Stevie Williams punch anybody in the gallery for heckling Tiger?
-Will Tiger throw a club in anger?
-Will Elin be spotted on the course?
-Will there be a streaker on 18 as Tiger approaches it?
-You can bet the over/under on how many times the broadcast crew mentions Tiger's infidelity during the 4 days
-Will some girl pull up her top behind Tiger to get on TV?

Man, people will bet on anything.

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