Monday, March 22, 2010

Bart "Judas" Stupak

If you are as disappointed with Bart Stupak's moronic decision to vote "yes" on health care, by trusting Obama to preserve the ban on federal funds for abortions through a worthless executive order, as you are in his utter gullibility, then send him these pieces of silver. He betrayed his ideals and his constituents just as Judas betrayed Jesus.

Go here and order your coins for like $4. It'll be worth the satisfaction of knowing you rubbed Stupak's nose in his own stupidity.

Here's the address of his Michigan office:

Congressman Bart Stupak
1229 W. Washington St.
Marquette, MI 49855

Hat tip to RedState.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, he's a Dummycrap. He has no principles/ideals. It was expected, and we all knew the half-wit was gonna flip anyhow. He was seeking his 15 minutes, since no one had ever heard of him before this, outside his district. I live in state, and *I'VE* never heard of him until this crap.
