Friday, February 26, 2010

When liberals eat their own

I just love when liberals turn on each other and it makes it even better when it's about something as idiotic as global warming....

Environmental activists have blasted Harrison Ford for making "unnecessary" trips by air, following revelations he once made a jet journey to buy a cheeseburger.

I guess the environmentalists didn't get the memo that global warming doesn't exist, the science was faked, and CO2 is a harmless, if not helpful, gas that plants require for photosynthesis.

By the way, I chose the beefcake picture just for you're welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You should have chosen a better picture. ( I may not be "one of the gals" but I do appreciate the male form)

  3. Is Harrison Ford a liberal or global warming alarmist? I have no idea.

  4. Yes, he is more or less. That's what makes these stories so priceless. The lecture us little people how to sacrifice to save the polar bears and then they live by a totally different set of rules.

  5. Yes, he is more or less. That's what makes these stories so priceless. The lecture us little people how to sacrifice to save the polar bears and then they live by a totally different set of rules.
