Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When they control the language, they control you

The level of stupidity from the formerly great Britain gets more outrageous by the day....

From FoxNews -- And finally, the BBC reports a woman trying to post a help wanted ad was told her request for "reliable and hard-working" applicants wasn't allowed because it could be discriminatory and offensive to unreliable people.

The same company, part of the British government's Department of Work and Pensions, also rejected a hair salon's advertisement for a "junior stylist" because it discriminated against older people even though the term "junior" refers to a level of qualification rather than age

If you think this sort of nonsense can't happen here, think again. The US is second, and sometimes first, in political correctness only to Britain. I would be appalled if you haven't read 1984 yet but, if you haven't, run don't walk to the nearest Books-a-Million and buy a copy.

We are not far from the world of newspeak as dictated by Ingsoc, the acronym for English Socialism in the book.

1 comment:

  1. You know I MIGHT could be pursuaded that IF she was hiring in an area that there was a racial stereotype going on, MAYBE I could find some argument there. But the second? NO WAY! That is clearly not ageism. But, "they" are going to slowly infest us with newspeak where nothing is ever "bad" only perhaps "ungood".
