Monday, February 22, 2010

On a snow day, everybody is fair game....even the cops

TRR pro tip of the day: when a guy calls the cops on you for hitting his snow plow with snow balls, it's probably not a good idea to then pelt the cops when they show up to arrest you.....

Felony snowball throwing charges have been leveled against two Virginia college students for allegedly pelting a city plow and an undercover police car during Saturday's blizzard. Charles Gill and Ryan Knight, both 21, were nabbed by cops in Harrisonburg, where they attend James Madison University. According to police, the pair first targeted a city plow last Saturday afternoon. The driver responded by calling cops to report the frosty fusillade. When police responded to the scene in a bid to identify the assailants, their unmarked vehicle also came under an icy assault.

When I was a kid, cars were prime targets for snowballs. Granted the drivers were furious that we threw at them and we got chased more than a few times but, what do they expect? The best part was when the driver stopped and got out to yell at us, then he really got clobbered...heh, heh...idiot!

In other news, who knew there was such a crime as "felonious snowball throwing"?

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