Monday, February 15, 2010

Most terrorists agree, the American justice system under Obama is terrific

Here's Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan blathering about the recidivism rate among terrorists....

"People sometimes use that figure, 20 percent, say 'Oh my goodness, one out of five detainees returned to some type of extremist activity,'" Brennan said. "You know, the American penal system, the recidivism rate is up to something about 50 percent or so, as far as return to crime. Twenty percent isn't that bad."

We're not talking about garden-variety purse snatchers and flashers here. When terrorists return to a life of terrorism, people tend to die. And how do they determine that only 1 in 5 terrorists return to terrorism? I call BS on that number and I'm moving my money from Geithner to Brennan as far as whom Obama tosses under the HopeyChange bus next.

What an idiot!


  1. Is there even any room left under that bus, now that he's tossed Holder under there?

    And are we, the taxpayers of the United States, paying for his ever-increasing-in-size bus upgrades?

    YUP - ONCE, TWICE, THRICE. Once via their salaries and bennies while they work to think up new ways to screw us over, once when they actually implement that screwing, and once when we have to pay someone else to clean up the mess they make.

  2. There's no accountability with our legislators. They make huge messes to help their incumbency and then when things don't work out for the country because of it, they bail with little more than a "sorry" for an excuse. It's a disgrace!
