Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More idiocy from Airstrip One

I'm sure I'll incur once again, the righteous indignation and wrath of my good friend Jenn Burleton over at TransFusion but, incurring indignation and wrath is what I do here. That said, this is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard....

Schools which force girls to wear skirts may be breaking the law - because the policy apparently discriminates against transsexuals.

Official guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission says the dress code may breach the rights of girls who feel compelled to live as boys.

Well, TG/TS community....tell us what is palatable for a six year-old tranny to wear? Skirts are for girls and pants are for boys so what's left...burlap potato sacks? Next they'll be demanding that schools provide a TG/TS bathroom because they're uncomfortable in regular bathrooms. Oh wait, they already do that.

What is the world coming to when every custom, tradition, and convention of civil society is on the chopping block to appease the tiny minority that feel oppressed by them. They aren't actually oppressed by anybody, they just feel oppressed and want some attention from us serious folks. When a society abandons it's own culture to the whim of deviants, real or imagined, what is left to define it as a society?


  1. Think any rule on skirts vs. pants is dumb. Forget the law discriminating against transsexuals. THe stupid part is enforcing gender codes that eclipse practical issues of comfort and integrity.

    Skirts are cold in winter, nice in summer, but boys do try and peek under them and for every girl, that's a pain. Simple solution: leave kids and their parents to decide what is best. It doesn't guarantee perfect social behavior, but it beats all the alternatives and has done so for generations.

  2. Precisely put Vickery. Why throw out generations of practical outfitting because one kid likes to wear the clothes of the opposite sex?

  3. I agree with Vickery, the stupid part is enforcing stupid gender codes.

    That said, I do know true transexuals-they are not the same as transvestites who just like to dress as the other sex. A true transexual I believe should be allowed to dress as their gender-orientation, and use bathrooms of the same. A true transexual would get no thrill out of going to a women's bathroom than a straight woman would (and vice-versa for male transexuals). Unless they are the gay transexuals--that do exist--change sex (full operation) to be a gay woman or man--then I don't know what the hell to do with those.

    But dress codes are outdated, and should be scrapped.
