Sunday, February 14, 2010

Amy Bishop....trendsetter

This is Amy Bishop who killed three fellow professors and injured three others in a shooting rampage over tenure, at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. It looks like she may have also shot and killed her own brother years ago in Massachusetts. This story is all over the news so no doubt you've heard it by now.

The purpose of this post is regarding other unrelated news regarding Miss. Bishop: it would appear there are still women who wear the classic pageboy haircut? Who knew?


  1. Those campus "gun free" "safety zones" go from success to success. 10 days ago there was a Samurai sword attack on the Ga Tech "weapon-free zone" in Atlanta.

  2. Yes, "gun-free zones" are criminal-speak for "I'm defenseless, victimize me".

  3. Yes, amazingly, criminals intent on violence are not deterred by such bans. The defenders of the "zones" mindlessly continue to defend them.

  4. It makes them feel like they are part of the solution to violence when, all they're doing is increasing the likelihood that they'll wind up being a contribution to the victim statistics.

    Next time you see a "gun-free-zone" nut, dare him to put a "This is a gun-free zone" sign in his front yard. When their own safety is at risk, suddenly they become gun advocates.

  5. Heck, Ed, I live less than 1000 ft from a school and thus in such a zone. Only in my own house, yard, and vehicle am I legal. What stupidity!

  6. I'm thinking she looks like Alice the Goon. Seriously, if you are going on a shooting spree, would it kill you to put on a little mascara?
