Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's time for John McCain to retire

Suddenly RINO John McCain is feeling the pressure from his right flank in the wake of Brown's stunning seizure of Teddy's senate seat. Former congressman, republican J.D. Hayworth, is already in a virtual tie with McCain with 7 months until the Arizona primary. Why Sarah Palin has agreed to campaign for McCain is any body's guess but don't get seduced by her support. Look at the facts about McCain's record. Here's a short list compiled by Michelle Malkin....

This is from Michelle Malkin's latest article -- With all due respect to McCain’s past noble war service, it’s time to head to the pasture. As the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, he was wrong on the constitutionality of the free-speech-stifling McCain-Feingold campaign finance regulations. He was wrong to side with the junk-science global warming activists in pushing onerous carbon caps on America. He was on the wrong side of every Chicken Little-driven bailout. He was wrong in opposing enhanced CIA interrogation methods that have saved countless American lives and averted jihadi plots. And he was spectacularly wrong in teaming with the open-borders lobby to push a dangerous illegal alien amnesty.

J.D. Hayworth is a good conservative and would serve Arizona, and the nation, admirably in the upcoming fight over immigration reform, or as we know it will be....amnesty. McCain is no conservative, and that senate seat no more belongs to him than the Mass. seat belonged to Ted Kennedy. If you are looking for another electoral battle-ground in which we could replace a pretend conservative with an actual conservative, turn your attention to Arizona and seat Hayworth in place of Johnny Mac. McCain has a huge war chest and is running anti Hayworth ads already. If you can, send some money J.D.'s way and help J.Mac retire at long last.


  1. Palin should back far far away from McCain. She shouldn't feel obligated to campaign for him. She needs to go "Rogue" in a month or 2and back Hayworth. That's good for months of press on her. This would be better than Aniston/Pitt/Jolie.

  2. JD Hayworth was a sportscaster in my home town of Greenville, SC for a while before moving to Arizona. I remember seeing him on TV during visits to my parents house - late 80s if I recall.
