Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama's lying about his corruption continues unabated

The corruption and dishonesty of the Obama administration knows no bounds....

"I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all," the senator told a Grand Rapids audience on Oct. 2. "The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I'm in the White House."

Predictably then, we hear about him doing the very thing he promised not to do....

Fox News -- Despite President Obama's long history of criticizing the Bush administration for "sweetheart deals" with favored contractors, the Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids, Fox News has learned.

The Obama cabal in Washington know that the sycophantic drones in the media will ignore his corruption and dishonesty. As long-time, committed Obama-mouthpieces, they have much face to lose if Obama is exposed as being a rotten, corrupt liar, so they dutifully report exactly what they are told to report by Emanual and Axelrod....that anything The One does to advance his agenda is OK because he's the savior of the world.

But real Americans know better.

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