Thursday, January 28, 2010

Justice Alito stands up to Chairman Zero

Justice Alito puts the slapdown on Obama after being scolded by Chairman Zero for the Court having repealed most of the dreadful McCain/Feingold campaign finance law....

Alito's right. McCain/Feingold was nothing but a violation of the Constitution's guarantee of free speech, in this case, the most precious kind of free speech....political speech. Why the reprobate McCain ever went along with this travesty in the first place is a mystery, unless it is that he had grown to adore himself for being the media's "maverick" darling.

I can't recall a President ever criticizing the Supreme Court to their faces in a SOTU speech. Good for Justice Alito for standing up to executive-branch intimidation and bullying. Intimidation tactics might work in Chicago but Alito won't be pushed around by a play-ground bully pretending to be President.

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