Thursday, January 28, 2010

Howard Fineman embarrasses himself, his profession, and probably his family

Newsweek's Howard Fineman gushed like a silly school-girl last night on MSNBC after watching Chairman Zero's mediocre, hastily-written SOTU speech. Here are two of his gems....

"If presidential leadership were only about giving speeches, the jackhammers would already be at work on Mt. Rushmore."

"In many, many ways, this is one of the most conservative speeches that a Democratic president has given since I think the middle of Bill Clinton's time."

What a kiss-ass! Mount Rushmore? And do you think anybody bothered to point out to Howard that this is the only Democratic president SOTU speech since Bill Clinton? I swear, these liberals in the media are so vested in Obama's success, because it reflects directly on them if he fails since they installed him in the presidency, that they can't even comment critically on a speech without getting the vapors.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't blame it all on poor Howard. After I expanded my news surfing to include Fox, I briefly included MSNBC. If CNN is Pro-Obama, Fox is Anti-Obama, then MSNBC is Pro-"we are clueless about it ALL". I quickly gave up on MSNBC and see them often quoted- as examples of poor and shoddy and moronic reporting. I think anyone they interview starts out with a handicap there.
