Sunday, January 03, 2010

Hear are some of the headlines on Drudge today. Notice a theme?

Heavy snow brings Beijing to standstill...,
Britain facing one of coldest winters in 100 years...,
Once in generation cold snap forecast for North Carolina...,
Fourth Death Related To Cold in Chicago....

The theme is that there is no such thing as global warming! Even the dumbest, government-school dropout can tell you that it's the extreme cold that kills people, not a degree or two of heat. But environmentalists don't care about life, death, and liberties. All they care about is restricting your freedoms by imposing draconian CO2 limitations on all your activities in the name of an imaginary menace conjured up by Al Gore to enrich himself. Luckily, Americans are starting to wise up to this idiocy and less than half of us, the half that are retards, still believe in man-made global warming and that it poses a threat.

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