Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The ever-expanding federal bureaucracy

Just in case you are economically delusional from what little your dreadful public school taught, or from all the hopey-change, to the point of believing that capitalism and free-enterprise are how our economy works, look how many subsidy programs are active in the US right now.....

From Moonbattery

There might be one or two but, I can't think if any federal subsidy that is consistent with free-market economics. No commercial enterprise should ever be given a subsidized advantage over it's competition for any reason...especially not for just being politically favored.

"But Ed" you whine, "what about the arts? Surely you can't be against community orchestras and museums"?

But I can. If a community wants an orchestra or a museum, their local tax dollars and donations can pay for them. Why should money be taken from me to pay for the Paduka Community Chamber Orchestra when I live in Birmingham?

"Federal subsidies" is just an innocuous-sounding phrase for the financial favors with which the politically powerful reward donor constituencies, or use to manipulate commercial markets for political purposes. Either way, they're bad!


  1. But what about the arts? A museum , Ok , that can house artifacts and works of art that can be an investment--but I agree, local $$ for local museums. But an Orchestra? A Ballet? A Theatre? I say if people don't care enough to pay for tickets to support them, I certainly shouldn't have to do it with my tax $$.

  2. But what about the arts? A museum , Ok , that can house artifacts and works of art that can be an investment--but I agree, local $$ for local museums. But an Orchestra? A Ballet? A Theatre? I say if people don't care enough to pay for tickets to support them, I certainly shouldn't have to do it with my tax $$.
