Friday, January 29, 2010

Chris Matthews reveals deep-seeded, liberal racism

Think all liberals are post-racial and colorblind the way they claim? Here's unhinged Chris Matthews talking to hateful idiot Olbermann, militant lesbian Rachael Maddow, and MSNBC's 9 remaining viewers about the SOTU speech.....

By remarking that he forgot Obama was black, Matthews unintentionally revealed, and Olby and Maddow ignored, that to liberals like him in the media, a black man has to be an overachiever to become President. Does Chris routinely view Obama as a black President rather than as just President? Why the qualification? Does he expect Obama to act or speak a certain way because he's black, and is therefor surprised when he doesn't? It's as if Matthews doesn't expect Obama to be able to, because he's black, transcend race and just be President.

Takeaway message: don't ever let a liberal accuse you of racism because you oppose the policies of a politician who happens to be black. No group is more subtly racist than liberals. Nothing has harmed blacks in the US more than the soft bigotry of low expectations which are embodied in every government program intended to give minorities a lift up, but result in deeper dependency.

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