Thursday, January 07, 2010

The choking game...are your stupid kids playing it?

This is a TRR public service announcement: Apparently in the latest effort to get high in as completely stupid and dangerous ways as possible, high-school kids are choking each other until they pass out. They call it playing SpaceMonkey but, it's just one person constricting the carotid arteries of another person's brain until he/she blacks out. And it's not like they sneak up on each other and do it, the dumb kid volunteers for it. Many kids have suffered permanent brain injury and some have died....I said died!

If there's even one chance in a million that your kid might try something like this, make sure you have the talk with them about it. Good grief, I thought huffing and glue sniffing were the epitome of teen stupidity.

If you want to hear medical reports and see video clips of kids playing SpaceMonkey, go over to Youtube and check it out.

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