Saturday, January 16, 2010

Armed home-invasion....FAIL!

How will you defend your family when this happens to you?

This is from in Texas -- Three men are being held for a Palmview home invasion where an 11-year-old boy was shot defending his mother.

Luckily the 11 year old owned a .22 rifle and shot through the bedroom door as the armed gunmen tried to break it down. The men fled but not before one of them got shot in the neck.

Will you bravely defend your family from armed intruders like this kid, or will you cower in the corner and hope they don't hurt you too bad, smugly satisfied that you chose NOT to contribute to the "gun culture"?


  1. Good point, Ed. I used to see a commercial frequently where a young family man cowered in fear upon hearing the burglar alarm until the alarm company called him to say "we're sending help." It drove me crazy - the idiot could have called 911 himself, but of course he had no weapon to defend his own life or family.

  2. Yeah Bill, that's what kills me about these alarm commercials. The would-be victims always dash for the ringing phone rather than a weapon that'll save their lives. Not all home invaders will be scared off by a stupid alarm, knowing the police are still many minutes away. We have an alarm system but it's not to call for help, it's to alert me that somebody has entered my house without authorization and to grab my gun for defense before they can hurt my family.
