Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tiger's race problem

Black women are not upset with Tiger for cheating, just not cheating with any of them....

Iv'e read article after article written by black sports writers, columnists, and bloggers who are furious that Tiger didn't cheat with any black women. They're saying he's a racist and ashamed of his black heritage. The common complaint among the writers is that as soon as black men achieve a level of success, especially in sports, they abandon black women in favor of blond, white women. Why is that?

I think it's as simple as possessing the forbidden fruit. I know I know, it's not forbidden but, culturally in a lot of ways and on both sides, it certainly is forbidden. When these black guys suddenly have all the things they couldn't before like fast cars, tons of money and access, they also want the one other thing society historically has told them they can't have....white women. Rather than the conscious abandonment of black women, I think it boils down to trophy hunting.


  1. I dont care what color that collection of chicks is. Their just "F"ing hot!!!!

  2. Well the spoils are now rolling in. Utichel has been mulling over posing for Playboy for the past 2 days! A cool million to her! Don't you wonder what a nice wholesome girl like her would do in that environment?
