Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shut up and sing!

The hardly memorable, second-rate singer, Tori Amos has announced that she's smarter than Sarah Palin....

She says, "If Palin runs again, I'm going to run on a Republican ticket. What I know about Middle Eastern policy could fit on a thumbnail, but I still know more than she does."

Then she dropped this bit of hilarity......

"You have to ask, how could a nation nearly vote in somebody who isn't qualified for the job?"

Uh, nobody is less qualified for his job than the organizer in chief, Barack Obama. You could make me an astronaut tomorrow and Obama would still be less qualified for his job than me. Every time these dumb quasi-celebrities experience a dip in their record sales or popularity with fans, they jump into politics to give themselves some relevance. Hint to Tori.....you just look stupid. Make a decent album that people want to listen to for a change and leave the politics and decision-making to the grown-ups.


  1. Remember she's a "corn flake girl" And, we all know, corn is subsidized probably as much or more than any other commodity save maybe sugar. So, if she runs for office, she a has a sponsor with deep pockets: yours and mine!

  2. BTW "corn flake girl" is either one of her songs or a line from one of her songs. Just in case you missed the reference.

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