Thursday, December 03, 2009

No bailouts for big-media!!!

There's a reason the framers pitted the media and the government against each other in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, and troll Henry Waxman ignores it....

From Hotair -- Rep. Henry Waxman trekked from Capitol Hill to Federal Trade Commission headquarters today to deliver a message to journalists and news consumers: All of you need to reach a consensus about working with the government in order to bail out the struggling news industry.

The California Democrat, who chairs the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee, didn’t say it quite so bluntly, but his point was clear. “Government’s going to have to be involved, in one way or the other,” to save journalism from an ongoing “market failure” that will only worsen without intervention.

Any media outlet that is beholden to the federal government for financial subsidies is subject to the inevitable, heavy-handed expectation of favorable coverage of that party's activities. The threat of withdrawing the subsidies would constitute the gravest of conflicts-of-interest where even-handed news coverage is concerned. A government that controls the media, is by definition, totalitarian and liberals like Waxman, by their nature, want to control everything.

I defy you to show me a more unattractive man than Henry Waxman.....I defy you!


  1. You know bailing out print media is pointless. Everything is going to internet. The smart papers are seeing the light. Hasn't the Christian Science Monitor gone online totally already?
    Did we provide bailouts during the change from LP to CD , or VHS to DVD? no.
    And look at the positive of newspapers going out of print. Millions of trees saved that can suck up that CO2 that is causing that insidious global warming. Less trash to process which releases CO2 .Less stuff in landfills. Why the list goes on and on. Maybe we should actually give tax incentives to move online-imagine that.

    (portions of this comment are sarcastic in case you couldn't guess)

  2. Media should be subject to, just like all other commodities, the free market. If they cannot adapt to changing times, they fail. And they deserve to fail. Bailouts will only defer the failure a few years.
