Monday, December 14, 2009

Copenhagen is about our money, not our emissions

Apparently, thug dictators in third-world hell-holes haven't been promised enough of American taxpayers' money to combat mythical climate change so, they're boycotting the summit.....GOOD!!!!

COPENHAGEN (AP) - China, India and other developing nations boycotted U.N. climate talks on Monday, bringing negotiations to a halt with their demand that rich countries discuss much deeper cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions.

Representatives from developing countries - a bloc of 135 nations - said they refused to participate in any formal working groups at the 192-nation summit until the issue was resolved.

The African-led move was a setback for the Copenhagen talks, which were already faltering over long-running disputes between rich and poor nations over emissions cuts and financing for developing countries to deal with climate change.

See, even murdering thug dictators know how stupid it would be for the US to curtail it's emissions as this would cripple our economy and make their poor countries more competitive. And they know just how stupid our political class is that it would fall for such a ridiculous stunt. Copenhagen isn't about climate change, carbon, the environment, or polar bears. It's about what modern, international environmentalism has always been about....grabbing as much of Americans' wealth as they can. And environmental guilt over the absurd notion of America-caused global warming seems to be doing the trick with America-hating apologists like Obama controlling the purse strings.


  1. Doesn't it seem somewhat 2 faced that China (the worlds largest polluter) attends the summit anyway, or sits out on a boycott? Maybe thats just odd to me.

  2. On a semi-related subject. Why is the animal focus always on the polar bears? We all know their numbers are increasing. I worry about the poor penguins with Antarctica crashing off into the sea. Where will they live? And what has happened to all the melted ice?? Shouldn't my Alabama home be beachfront now? And why does it feel so cold this year- snow already?? I am confused. Save us Copenhagen conference and email us all with the results.

  3. Actually, we shouldn't worry about the penguins' home falling into the sea as Antarctica is land rather than ice. And as the polar bear population swells and their Arctic ice-sheet home melts, they can reduce the Inuit population for us by dining on slow-running Eskimos.

  4. More precisely the Antarctic glaciers crashing off the land mass into the sea. Haven't you seen the pictures? You know, come to think about it those pictures kinda look like the same melting glacier taken from different angles and reposted. Hmmmmm
